If you find any bugs, please report it to me via Internet e-mail to <mailto:franke@xenon.stanford.edu> or via “snail” mail to:
    Norman Franke
    P.O. Box 2442
    Livermore, CA 94551-2442
Please check the Q&A topic before reporting a known problem. Also, please feel free to write if you have any suggestions, questions, comments, or inquiries concerning my plans for future versions. If you are aware of a sound format that you’d like SoundApp to support, please e-mail me with the necessary information regarding the sound format and any sample files you may have. Since SoundApp is Freeware, I cannot afford to support proprietary sound formats that require a licensing fee (unless you’d like to pay for the license!).
Please spread the word about SoundApp and upload it to any on-line services and bulletin board systems that do not already have it.
If you or your company are interested in licensing the playback and/or conversion routines in SoundApp, please write me at the address above or send e-mail. SoundApp’s routines are already used in several commercial products. Licensing is for non-exclusive rights for your product(s). Custom modifications can be negotiated if desired. In addition, I can license a HyperCard-compatible XCMD for MS ADPCM and IMA WAVE playback for use in cross-platform products. Note that the MPEG decompression code and the MOD drivers cannot be licensed from me.
Potential Future Additions
• Support for more MOD formats (e.g., 669, XM)
• Support for other sound formats and various compression schemes
• More output formats and encodings (e.g., the new QuickTime 3 codecs)
• Even more AppleScript support (any ideas?)
• Message/text/title reading in MIDI, MOD and MP3 (ID3 tags) files
• Level meters for playback
• Better support for conversion using the AppleScript range parameters
• Update the GUI to support the Appearance Manager if it is present